Church Women United to host Community Day

Church Women United to host Community Day


Church Women United will sponsor World Community Day on Friday at Wedgewood Park Evangelical Church, 1041 S. Meridian Road.

Registration will take place at 9:30 a.m. with the program at 10. Reservations are due by Monday.

A $10 donation is requested for program, lunch and materials. Send a check payable to CWU to Kaye Russo, 2795 Rosewae, Youngstown, OH 44511. For information, call 330-792-4117.

Executive committee leaders are Shirley Megown, president; Shelley English, vice president; Janet Smart, recording secretary; Cossell Burton, corresponding secretary; Harriet MacAvoy, treasurer; and L.K. Williams, assistant treasurer/membership.

In November, voting will take place for 2017 for the Rev. Gwendolyn Johnson, president; Williams, vice president; and Smart, recording secretary. Other officers will remain the same.

CWU board meetings are scheduled at 1:30 p.m. the second Wednesday of most months at Protestant Family Service office, 496 Glenwood Ave. Sessions are planned January through May in 2017.

Abundant Life plans concert by Carnali

new waterford

Abundant Life Fellowship, 46469 state Route 46, will host contemporary Christian recording artist Kathleen Carnali for a concert at 7 p.m. Sunday.

Carnali, who is on a national tour, brings a message of love, hope and new life in Christ in her mostly original music. Since her last appearance at Abundant Life about six years ago, she and husband, Brett, who is her manager, have added three sons to their family.

Her four CDs are “Kathleen Carnali,” “All to You,” “Dangerous Prayer” and “Be Still and Know.”

The concert is free and open to the public.

Berkowitz series


Congregation Rodef Sholom, 1119 Elm St., will present the Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell in the Berkowitz Lecture Series at 10 a.m. Nov. 5.

Her topic will be “Is There a Future for Religion? What Might It Be?”

The Rev. Dr. Campbell is president of the Charter for Compassion International. She served for 13 years as director of the department of religion at Chautauqua Institution. She was the first ordained woman appointed as general secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.

A luncheon will follow the presentation. There is no charge, but reservations are required by calling the temple at 330-744-5001 or sending email to by 4 p.m. Tuesday.

Celebrating 65th year


Christ Church Presbyterian, 1933 Canfield Road, is celebrating its 65-year jubilee with a series of events that began Oct. 23. The worship service ended with a release of balloons with attached postcards from members of the congregation. Members hope to see most of them returned.

Christ Church Presbyterian was started by the Rev. Paul Coleman. Ground was broken June 26, 1951; the first Sunday service was Nov. 4 in the small chapel on the corner of Hopkins and Canfield Roads and is a part of the larger church. There were 177 charter members of the church including Ray Bradich, who attended the service.

The jubilee will continue for six Sundays and feature history and stories and a special event.

This weekend, there will be a fall craft event and bake sale with a special fall or Christmas photo opportunity for individuals and families. The Nov. 6 service will be in the chapel with special music.

Youngstown Connection will be featured Nov. 13 and host a fundraising spaghetti dinner. The celebrations will conclude Nov. 20.

For information, call Pastor Mark Thompson at 330-782-2611.

Walker family concert


The Tom Walker Family will be in concert at 7 p.m. Nov. 6 at Bessemer Presbyterian Church, 29 N. Main St.

A free-will offering will be received. Refreshments will follow.

For information, call the church office at 724-667-7255.

Special singers


Faith Fellowship Church of God, 388 E. Midlothian Blvd., will host special singers the Rev. Les and Loretha Hawkins in a service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday.

They will join regular musicians Claudine Bridges on the pipe organ in pre-worship, and Phyllis Vivod playing the keyword for Gospel songs led by Dr. Jack G. Bridges.

Pastor Jonathan Mitchell will preach the morning message.

Honoring bishop


The Monument of Faith Church of God in Christ, 2165 Highland Ave., will honor Bishop David L. Herron Sr. and his wife, Brenda. He is marking his 27th pastoral celebration.

Programs are planned at 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday and at 10:15 a.m. and 4 p.m. Nov. 6.

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