YSU gears up for homecoming week
YOUNGSTOWN — A haunted hospital, a picnic, Build-A-Penguin, the Fall Fire Fest and the annual parade up Fifth Avenue are in store this week as Youngstown State University celebrates Homecoming 2016.
YSU’s football game against conference rival Indiana State at 4 p.m. Saturday in Stambaugh Stadium, is the culminating event. It will feature the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen at halftime.
Saturday’s events begin at 10 a.m. with a student tailgate party in the M63 tailgate lot, sponsored by Student Government. The annual Homecoming Parade steps off at 2 p.m. and proceeds up Fifth Avenue, featuring floats, the YSU Marching Pride and others.
Another highlight of the week is Fall Fire Fest 7 to 11 p.m. Thursday in the M71 parking lot. The fest, free and open to YSU students and the public, features music from The Weeks, Future Thieves and Demos Papadimas, as well as a bonfire, food and drink vendors and a YSU Spirit Rally.