Valley women have good reasons to support Trump

Valley women have good reasons to support Trump

I’ve noticed for the past five months that there have been few times The Vindicator has run a positive word about the Republican candidate for president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

As a woman living in Mahoning County, and bringing with me the perspective of a woman who has experience with and concern for women who are business leaders, who are working moms with young children, and who are women of faith, I’d like to share some insights into why I’m voting for Donald J. Trump.

Women I know are thrilled that there is finally a policy that addresses a long-neglected issue of child care and senior care expenses for families, paid leave, tax-free dependent care savings accounts and incentivizing employers to provide childcare at the workplace.

We are looking forward to a rejuvenation of our economy including job creation that will put our families back to work because we don’t want hand-outs, we want jobs.

Women care that our education system is not meeting the needs of our students, especially the inner cities. We want school choice.

I feel that Donald J. Trump is the best candidate for president of the United States. Regardless of the negative and one-sided tone consistently relayed by the media, I am surrounded by family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, former Democrats, Independents, and many, many WOMEN who feel that same way and will vote the same for the good of our families.

For real change, I urge you to join the millions of like-minded women and vote Trump/Pence 2016.

Susan Ward, Lake Milton

One has to wonder about Donald Trump’s backers

David Duke, the former Imperial Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, not only is supporting Donald Trump for president, he also said it “inspired” him to run for office.

Recently in the Mahoning Valley, Kathy Miller made national headlines when she said in an interview: “I don’t think there was any racism until Obama got elected.” She had to resign her position because of the many, head-in-the-sand comments throughout her interview. Maybe she was also “inspired”. She said her comments were “inappropriate”, but never said that they were wrong.

The new leader of the Trump campaign in the Valley is Tracey Winbush. We can only guess where her “inspiration” came from. She has said on Twitter and interviews the following: “Donald Trump’s utterly ridiculous budget plan; ‘Dear Christians, If You Vote For A Godless Man, You Are Asking For Tyranny’; ‘I have a problem as an African-American to have someone at the top of the ticket who doesn’t stand for the values of the Republican Party”.

She told the Boston Globe, ‘‘He may never be presidential. He may be crass and too outspoken. But people need to bite their tongue, hold their nose, close their eyes, and support the nominee of the Republican Party.”

Ask any Republican supporter of Trump, and they will say the same thing.

For me, it’s Clinton-Kaine because I’m sane.

Tom Lamb, Boardman

Youngstown must protect itself with ‘yes’ on Issue 6, Community Bill of Rights

It has taken me years, but finally I understand that a “yes” vote is needed on the Youngstown Community Bill of Rights to protect my house from earthquakes and keep my family from having poisoned drinking water.

Every time I voted “no,” I thought I was doing the right thing because my neighbors who were at the polling place told me it was “no for fracking!” I didn’t know at the time that they were getting paid to say this.

I do not appreciate these politicians taking oil and gas industry money and paying people to tell lies just so these rich people can make even more money.

Now that I read up on it, I realize we are in very big danger because they put the worst fracking pollution in the minority community. So we now need to stand up and protect ourselves by voting “yes” on Issue 6 in Youngstown.

Rev. Young Tensley, Youngstown

Passage of police levy in New Middletown crucial

Police in New Middle- town are respectfully requesting voter approval on a new police levy that would generate $50,000 per year and cost the average homeowner about $5.83 per month or $70 annually. The levy is crucial to maintaining the current uninterrupted operations of the Police Department. Currently the department operates on three levies.

New Middletown has seen a dramatic decrease in money previously provided by the State and Local Government fund. We maintain 24/7 patrol with only one officer on duty per shift. That officer is responsible for all calls for service, investigations, court attendance and every other associated duty. We have seen a measureable increase in heroin abuse and the associated property crimes. Our call volume will exceed 700 dispatched calls for service in addition to an estimated 1,200 officer-initiated activities this year.

No new patrol units have been purchased since 2001 and we have been diligent in locating used serviceable units as a cost savings; however the cars are regularly requiring high dollar repairs in addition to regular maintenance,

Wages and hospitalization continue to be the highest portion of the budget with wages only slightly increasing. The average police officer wage is between $12-$16 per hour, one of the lowest paid in the county.

New Middletown is considered one of Mahoning County’s safest communities to live, raise families, work and enjoy an exceptional quality of life. Our office is always available for questions, tours to our public.

Your support on Election Day will allow us to continue the professional exceptional police services and keep New Middletown safe.

On Election Day, your most important vote is “yes” for the police levy.

Vincent D’Egidio, New Middletown

Vincent D’Egidio is chief of police in New Middletown

Immigrants should be welcomed, not spurned

Immigrants are con- stantly facing a slew of nasty comments and negative stereotypes directed toward them. Whether these immigrants are legal or illegal, from Mexico or Asia, they are all grouped together and stamped with stereotypes.

As a community, we should work to make immigrants feel welcome in our community, and eliminate the negative words others use for them. As an undergraduate student, I am always ashamed of my peers when I hear negative comments about our international students. I have been doing research so that I may actively combat these ignorant attitudes.

According to the American Immigration Council, in 2013, 477,377 immigrants were living in Ohio. This is more than the total population of Atlanta. It is time that Ohioans understand that immigrants are living within their communities and towns and that they deserve to be treated with respect.

Many people assume that immigrants are taking jobs from American-born citizens or that immigrants are unwilling to work. In fact, according to The Equal Rights Center, immigrants can actually be credited for improving the economy by finding employment in fields that most American-born citizens refuse to work in.

I urge Sens. Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman to take action to promote better relations between native born Americans and immigrants. I also urge our senators to do all in their power to discourage the stereotypes many place on immigrants.

Natalie Eusebio, Kent