Youngstown issues 3rd fine against Gatta Co., next step criminal charges

Staff report


Youngstown’s Office of Code Enforcement and Demolition has issued a third and final fine of $1,000 to the Gatta Co. for the state of the Gallagher Building.

The 112-year-old vacant building located at the corner of Hazel and Commerce streets was evaluated by the city for the third time Wednesday. The company has already been fined $100 and $500. Gatta has 30 days to respond to the city before the $1,000 fine is enforced and total fines on the building will equal $1,600.

The Gatta Co. of Niles had not paid or appealed the fines as of Wednesday.

Dominic Gatta III, owner and president of the company, could not be reached to comment on Wednesday.

The next step by the city could be to press criminal charges.

Gatta, which has owned the Gallagher since 2012, had plans to transform it to apartments and a restaurant, but word is the company is now trying to sell the property that has overgrown weeds, and a building with broken windows and graffiti on its exterior.

The structure was most recently home to Cedar’s Lounge, a popular rock ‘n’ roll bar with live music, which relocated in 2013 to the West Side.

Read more about the situation in Thursday's Vindicator or on