Poll: Portman ahead

Poll: Portman ahead


Democratic challenger Ted Strickland made up a little bit of ground, but Republican incumbent Rob Portman remains solidly ahead in their race for the U.S. Senate, according to a poll released Tuesday.

A total of 54 percent of the 624 likely Ohio voters questioned over the past week sided with Portman, versus 41 percent for Strickland.

Portman led the former Ohio governor, 55 percent-38 percent, in a Quinnipiac Poll conducted earlier in the month, between the first and second presidential debates. The poll had a margin of error of about 4 percentage points.

Hoping to hire officer


The city hopes to receive federal money to hire a new full-time police officer.

City council voted this week to authorize Safety Director Louis Carsone to apply for a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Community-Oriented Policing. The city hopes to be awarded about $150,000 over three years, Carsone said.

Council also voted to reallocate the source of funding for the chief utility clerk, utility clerk and meter reader positions, effective Jan. 1.

Currently, the salaries and benefits for these positions come solely from the electric budget. Beginning next year, one-third of funding will come from the electric budget, one-third from the water budget and one-third from the waste-treatment plant budget. Councilman Ben Kyle, D-1st, suggested the adjustment, citing fairness issues.

Board will meet


The Trumbull County Senior Advisory Board will meet at 3 p.m. today at 2931-A Youngstown Road.

SR 534 to be closed


State Route 534 just north of Western Reserve Road will be closed from Monday through Oct. 28 for a culvert replacement. The detour will be state Route 14 to U.S. Route 224.

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