Police probe incident
Police probe incident
Township police are investigating a breaking-and-entering incident at Washing Well Laundry over the weekend. Joseph Thomas, owner of the laundromat located on Mathews Road, received a call from the security alarm activation at 1 a.m. Sunday, according to a police report. Thomas found shelves, paperwork and other items scattered around the office and dropped ceiling tile in the bathroom he believes the suspect may have entered through. Nothing was reported missing but copper pipes in the ceiling were damaged.
Documentary viewing
A documentary on energy and environment will be featured by documentarians Tish O’Dell and Doug Shields, both featured in “We the People 2.0,” at the screening at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Room B100 of Cushwa Hall at Youngstown State University. There is free parking at the on-street metered-parking spaces along nearby streets.