Ministry celebrates grand opening

YOUNGSTOWN — Dress to Succeed Ministry, beginning this week, takes a big step forward to bring clothes to soon-to-be released prisoners at the Ohio State Penitentiary.

The ministry has been dedicated to providing donated clothes, shoes and other accessories for Youngstowners, especially for people returning from prison, since 2010.

The ministry and Elder Rose Carter, founder and director, today celebrated its showroom branch grand opening at the warehouse of the prison grounds on Coitsville-Hubbard Road.

“Wow, seven years and I never dreamed that it would be this big,” Carter said to the crowd. “And when you walk into that room, you’re going to say ‘Wow’.”

Carter; Lola Simmons, executive director of the Home for Good Re-entry-Resource-Referral Center; and Bryant Palmer, Ohio State Penitentiary deputy warden of special services; cut the ribbon to the new showroom.

For the complete story, read Tuesday's Vindicator and

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