Today is Sunday, Oct. 16, the 290th day of 2016. There are 76 days left in the year.
Today is Sunday, Oct. 16, the 290th day of 2016. There are 76 days left in the year.
On this date in:
1793: During the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette, the queen of France, is beheaded.
1846: Dentist William T. Morton demonstrates the effectiveness of ether as an anesthetic by administering it to a patient undergoing jaw surgery in Boston.
1859: Radical abolitionist John Brown leads a group of 21 men in a raid on Harpers Ferry in western Virginia.
1916: Planned Parenthood has its beginnings as Margaret Sanger and her sister, Ethel Byrne, open the first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, N.Y. (The clinic was raided nine days later by police who arrested Sanger, Byrne and Russian-born interpreter Fania Mindell.)
1934: Chinese Communists, under siege by the Nationalists, begin their “long march” lasting a year from southeastern to northwestern China.
1946: Ten Nazi war criminals condemned during the Nuremberg trials are hanged.
1957: Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip begin a visit to the United States with a stopover at the site of the Jamestown settlement in Virginia.
1968: American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos spark controversy at the Mexico City Olympics by giving “black power” salutes during a victory ceremony after they’d won gold and bronze medals in the 200-meter race.
1969: The New York Mets cap their miracle season by winning the World Series, defeating the Baltimore Orioles, 5-3, in Game 5 played at Shea Stadium in New York.
1978: The College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church chooses Cardinal Karol Wojtyla to be the new pope; he takes the name John Paul II.
1987: A 581/2-hour drama in Midland, Texas, ends happily as rescuers free Jessica McClure, an 18-month-old girl trapped in an abandoned well.
1991: A deadly shooting rampage takes place in Killeen, Texas, as a gunman opens fire at a Luby’s Cafeteria, killing 23 people before taking his own life.
1995: A vast throng of black men gather in Washington, D.C. for the “Million Man March” led by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
2006: President George W. Bush personally assures Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki by phone that he has set no timetable for pulling troops out of Iraq.
2011: The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial is formally dedicated in Washington, D.C.
2015: Interior Secretary Sally Jewell announces that the federal government is canceling federal petroleum lease sales in U.S. Arctic waters that had been scheduled for 2016 and 2017.
1991: Rockwell International announces that it will close its axle plant in New Castle, Pa., over a period of two years, putting 530 employees out of work. The plant on Mahoning Avenue has been a fixture on the city’s South Side since 1949.
Car drivers who want to travel the 16.5-mile length of the new Beaver Valley Expressway (Pa. Route 60), will have to pay a toll of $1.50. Trucks will be charged $8.25.
Two of the four murder suspects who escaped from the Mahoning County Jail are back behind bars, but two others, and two robbery suspects, remain at large.
1976: Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. opens its new $3.8 million water treatment plant at its Campbell Works, reducing by a fifth all of the steel plant oils going into the Mahoning River.
Youngstown Police Chief Donald Baker transfers five of his “inner circle” to traffic duty or the night turn, an apparent show of his disfavor with their joining other striking police officers.
A Youngstown police sergeant responding to a report of a suspected burglary shoots and kills a 23-year-old North Side man who was running from behind a Wick Avenue drugstore.
1966: Some of the nation’s leaders in natural resource conservation will take part in the dedication of the $20 million West Branch Reservoir and Dam near Newton Falls. Some 5,000 people are expected to attend.
A three-car crash on state Route 82, just west of state Route 46, kills two people, Patricia Taylor, 29, of Girard and Paul McDade, 59, of Sharon.
The Crime Clinic of Greater Youngstown will honor 10 city policemen who participated in the quick apprehension of a man who kidnapped a Youngstown University coed from a campus parking lot.
Peter Van Nest, owner of Van Nest Insurance, is named campaign manager of the annual March of Dimes campaign in Mahoning County.
1941: Youngstown is honored on the series “Wake Up, America” broadcast by NBC and, in Youngstown, by WFMJ.
Youngstown Municipal Airport is preparing for its first night flight by an airliner, pending Civil Aeronautics Administration approval.
The last remaining bottleneck on Market Street, the intersection of Market and Wayne, will be removed after the city reaches agreement with Shelley Strain for acquisition of the property.