Austintown Fitch High School board members, student groups and school staff will serve dinner to Austintown seniors, 65 and older, at the fall senior citizens dinner at 4 p.m. Oct. 26 in the school cafeteria, 4560 Falcon Drive. The high school choir will entertain throughout the dinner. Tickets for the dinner are $2 and advance reservations are required by calling 330-797-3919 by Friday.
Austintown Senior Center, 100 Westchester Drive, has planned the following: Monday, active exercise at 8 a.m., 30 minutes with God and piloxing at 9, Sew N Crafts at 9:30, senior spinning, bingo and painting class at 10, lunch at noon and instructor’s choice at 1:15; Tuesday, active exercise at 8 a.m., video class at 9, S.O.S. at 9:30, bingo and crocheting at 10, line dancing at 10:30, chair yoga at 11:30, lunch and ballroom dancing at 12:30 p.m. and coloring book class at 1; Wednesday, active exercise at 8 a.m., 30 minutes with God, video class on weather and blood pressure checks at 9, bingo and senior spinning (E) at 10, $3 pizza party at noon, ukulele class at 12:30 p.m., power pilates at 1:15 and eliminating clutter at 2; Thursday, active exercise at 8 a.m., video class on Civil War at 8:50, Vets helping Vets and wood carving at 9, S.O.S. at 9:30, chair yoga and crochet/needlework class at 10, knitting at 11, lunch and grocery bingo at noon and coloring book class at 1 p.m.; Friday, active exercise at 8 a.m., 30 minutes with God, video class on ancient daily life and senior spinning (S) at 9, senior spinning (E) at 9:30, bingo at 10, fencing at 11 and out to lunch bunch to Carmella’s Cafe in Boardman at 1:30 p.m. For information call 330-953-1416 or visit
Niles S.C.O.P.E. Senior Center, 14 E. State St., is offering the following programs: 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, one-day craft class led by Stephanie, from Wonderstruck Artisan Studio. No experience is necessary. Everyone will create a 10-inch square or round plate embellished with lace. All supplies will be provided including lace or students may bring their own lace. The cost is $25; 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, free lunch and learn program about “At Risk for Falls” is offered through Gateway Health, “Health Awareness Series”. The lunch is free; noon to 3 p.m. Oct. 26, annual Halloween Party will include lunch at noon for $3, and bingo at 1 p.m. Those wearing a costume will receive a free bingo card. Lunch will be spaghetti and meatballs, garlic toast, and salad with pumpkin pie for dessert. Registration is required for all sessions by calling the center at 330-544-3676 or stop in.
Senior Independence Senior Center of Mahoning County, 1110 Fifth Ave., Youngstown, has planned the following: Monday, cooking for one by OSU ext. at 10 a.m. and diabetic empowerment education program at 1 p.m.; Tuesday, computer class at 9 and 11 a.m., brush, knife and needle club at 10, beginner and intermediate duplicate bridge at noon and Drums Alive at 2:30 p.m.; Wednesday, watercolors at 10 a.m., tap class at noon, 500 bid card club at 1 p.m. and line dancing at 1:30; Thursday, woodcarvers at 9 a.m., Boardman Fun Day at Boardman Park at 10, multi media art and socialization at noon, watch our weight at 1 p.m. and Texas Hold’em at 2; and Friday, Youngstown Fun Day sponsored by Park Vista Retirement Community at 10 a.m., card and board games at noon, ROM exercise at 1 p.m. and color expressions for stress and relaxation at 2. Call to register for events at 330-744-5071.