Earns Eagle award
Kent Ring of Canton, son of John Ring, a Youngs-town native, and Donna Ring, has been awarded the rank of Eagle Scout.
An active career in scouting for 12 years, Ring has been inducted into the Order of the Arrow, served as a counselor at Seven Ranges Boy Scout Camp for two summers, backpacked 100 miles at the Philmont Scout Reservation in New Mexico and sailed at the Boy Scout Sea Base reserve in the Florida Keys.
He graduated from Canton South High School and is attending Ohio University.
In high school, he was a member of the National Honor Society, qualified to compete in State finals with the Speech and Debate team and was co-captain of his varsity soccer team.
His father is the son of the late Jack Ring and the late Rosemary Gardner-Ring.
Philosophy degree
Kristen Ann Hungerford of Girard recently earned a doctor of philosophy degree in communication from the University of Memphis in Tennessee.
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