Hundreds turn out for pumpkin-carving contest in Boardman Park today
Staff report
With excited eyes as wide as the brim of a witch's hat, 5-year-old Logan Grizinski watched as the top was lifted from the pumpkin he would soon carve into a jack-o-lantern.
But the childlike anticipation soon changed to apprehension as he peered into the topless gourd and saw the stringy, gooey mess that needed to be removed before the carving could commence.
"Uh, no. Too gross," the tyke said to his grandmother, Cathy Grizinski. "You can do that part."
With a laugh and a roll of her eyes, Cathy obligingly pulled out the sloppy insides so her grandson could get to work.
The Grizinskis of Boardman were just two of the hundreds of people at Boardman Township Park for the annual Great Pumpkin Carve-Out contest Sunday afternoon.
For a small donation, visitors got to select a pumpkin and carve it into the jack-o-lantern design of their own creation. Some were adorned with happy faces, but Logan said he wanted to create a scary one.
Read the full story Monday in The Vindicator and on