Ajax Magnethermic Retirees will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Station Square Restaurant, 4250 Belmont Ave. Guests are welcome.

Lowellville Senior Citizens will gather for its monthly meeting at noon Friday in the conference room of Lowellville City Hall. Ernie Ciarniello will preside. Lunch will be provided by Gianna’s Catering. Make reservations by calling Janet Davanzo at 330-793-3176. New members are welcome. You do not have to be a Lowellville resident to join. For illnesses or deaths call Mary Mascarella, sunshine chairman, 330-536-8748. A 50-50 raffle and bingo will follow the business meeting.

SOAR 27-2 and 27-6 Steelworkers Retirees, Local Union 1330 and 1331, will meet at 1 p.m. Monday at Smith Corners United Methodist Church, 3000 S. Niles-Canfield Road. Amy Romano from R. Kashmiry & Associates will speak about Medicare changes in 2017 and alternative prescription plans. Reservations will be taken for the Dec. 5 Christmas Party. Refreshments will be served. New members are welcome.

Youngstown State University Retirees monthly breakfast will be at 9 a.m. Tuesday at Das Dutch Haus in Columbiana. All retirees are invited.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens are published Sunday. Please submit the information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.