Don’t quickly dismiss trade agreements of US

Don’t quickly dismiss trade agreements of US

Why are the can- didates running for the presidency coming down on trade agreements? When Packard Electric in Warren built plants in Mexico and jobs were exported there, where were all the people decrying the jobs that were then in Mexico? This happened in the 1980s. At least in the trade agreements, the U.S. is exporting items to countries where perhaps the populations can afford our exported items.

Boeing announced layoffs of 3,500-3,700 personnel recently. At the same time this company is employing robots to fashion wings on their aircraft. All kinds of huzzahs are given to the technology developed for these robots to take away persons’ jobs. Perhaps using robots makes an airplane safer? Can a robot make a screw safer than a person using an electric screwdriver?

Of course, let’s not forget the drones that are being considered for delivering goods. How many freight deliverers will lose jobs?

There is a candidate who “wants to make America great again.” It has been made public that his shirts are imported. Where are those ill-fitting suits made that look like they have been slept in for a week? Where are the neckties made? And inasmuch as he has discussed the appendages that support his contention of being male, where is the underwear made? Additionally, where is his hair shellac made?

How can America be made great again when this candidate supports other countries’ goods? Where are Ted Cruz’ unenviable jeans made?

At least through trade agreements, there is and can be reciprocity rather than finding imported goods from other countries for the least amount of expenditure.

Shirley A. Bartlett, Austintown

Supremes misinterpret church-and-state issue

Separation oF church and state is nowhere to be found in the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, I argue it should no longer be used.

Even what the federal government deems “what it actually means” is no longer accepted.

Don’t take my word for it; look it up. We all should, including the Supreme Court.

If you are a Christian we are no longer to be bullied by the ACLU, atheists or agnostics; even our federal government doesn’t understand the First Amendment. Your neighbor who threatens you about prayer or any Christian activities at school is to be ignored. They have nothing to stand on.

As a Christian, I have the constitutional right to act the way I want. It’s the same right as everybody else. The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof.”

You must look at the writings of the legislators of the Founding Fathers who passed this law. It doesn’t mean separation of church and state. Fisher Ames first came up with the wording of the First Amendment. He also said the Bible should be the primary textbook in our schools.

Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802 in response to a concern raised about religious liberty being infringed by the American government (today, too?) Jefferson stated, “It would never happen because there is a constitutional wall that separates churches from the state (government).” In other words our Constitution protects churches from the government interfering.

The Supreme Court twisted the meaning by isolating Jefferson’s words as a wall of separation between church from government.

Jim Brammer, Salem