State bill to assist pets in emergencies with oxygen masks

Staff report


Just days after legislation allowing paramedics and other responders to assist injured dogs and cats at accident or other emergency scenes was sent to Gov. John Kasich’s desk, a group will raise funds to purchase pet oxygen masks for the Youngstown Fire Department.

Senators OK’d HB 187 earlier this week on a unanimous vote, leaving intact the version of the bill unanimously passed by the Ohio House in December. The law changes will take effect 90 days after the governor adds his signature.

The legislation will authorize first responders, emergency medical technicians and firefighters to assist with hurt dogs and cats, though it prohibits those responders from administering drugs to injured animals without first consulting a licensed veterinarian.

On Saturday, Never Muzzled, a nonprofit organization for pet safety, will host a fundraiser to purchase pet oxygen masks for city fire trucks from 2 to 7 p.m. at The Federal, 110 W. Federal St. downtown.

“I’m excited that we now have an opportunity to save our pets, and emergency personnel can save our pets, and with the fundraiser, we can now allow them to do that,” said Linda Liguori, co-founder of Never Muzzled.