• Lowellville Senior Citizens will meet at noon Friday at Lowellville City Hall, 140 E. Liberty St., in the conference room. Ernie Ciarniello will preside, and guests are welcome. Common Pleas Judge Shirley Christian will discuss the work of the court. Lunch will be provided. For reservations call Janet Davanzo at 330-793-3176. Dues of $5 for the year will be accepted, and a 50-50 raffle will follow the meeting. New members are welcome. Members do not need to be Lowellville residents. In case of illnesses or deaths, notify Mary Mascarella, sunshine chairman, at 330-536-8748.
• Retired RNs will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Western Reserve United Methodist Church, Canfield Road, for a casserole lunch. Members with last names beginning with A to G are asked to take a dessert; H to O, entree; and P to Z, salad. Take your own table setting.
Upcoming activities for senior citizens are published Sunday. Please submit the information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.