Commercial Intertech Retirees will meet at noon Tuesday at St. Mark’s Fellowship Hall on Logan Way. Lou Pizzuto will preside, and Gloria Wielbruda and Vince Arquilla will give reports. Luncheon hosts are George McClelland and Karen Humphrey. Annual dues of $5 are now payable. All Commercial Intertech and Parker Hannifin retirees are welcome.
Public Employees Retirees Inc. (P.E.R.I.), Mahoning Chapter 18, will meet at noon April 5 at Antone’s Banquet Center, 8578 Market St., Boardman. Legislative officer and chapter member Joseph Gorman will speak about St. Vincent de Paul Society. The menu consists of beef tips over noodles, green beans almondine, salad, rolls with butter, coffee, tea or soft drink and ice cream. There will be a money raffle. Cost is $12 for members. Associate members and guests pay at the door. For reservations call Arlene DeChellis at 330-726-8019, Phyllis Miglarese at 330-755-5640, Helen Verdream at 330-629-8227 or Mary Grace Welsh at 330-743-8425. Reservation and cancellation deadline is March 28, no exceptions.