M&M Golf Classic — Qualifiers: John Doughton III, Josh Zarlenga, Steve Mowry, Kevin Rickert.

Friends of Joe Schiavoni Big Brothers, Big Sisters Charity Outing — Qualifiers: Steve Maschak, James Gentile, Scott Krichbaum, Ross Smith.

Take A Swing for Autism — Qualifiers: Eric Glista, Bill Wilson, Greg Prasco, Pete Paitis

Youngstown Air Reserve — Qualifiers: Vern Worona, Myron Worona, Bud Pekins, Paul Bobbie.

Help Hotline Scramble — Qualifers: Jill Harmon, Scott Harmon, Diane McCall, Larry McCall.

Alzheimers Network Golf Outing — Qualifiers: Jeff Williamson, Jeff Campbell, Joe DeFalco, African Grant.

Hermitage FOP Scramble — Qualifiers: James Reardon, Tim Dye, Jason McDowell, Zack Manski.

Neighborhood Ministries Golf Outing — Qualifiers: Josh Dankovich, Jeff Pilcher, Tyler Rach, David Rach.

Ursuline High School Boys Golf Team Scramble — Qualifiers: Giovanni Naples, Anthony Palumbo, Gage Trott, Adam Naples.

Leetonia Sons of America Post 131 Scramble — Qualifiers: Bryan Brownfield, Kyle Hiscox, Dave Kilgore, Matt May.

Boardman Community Baseball Golf Outing — Qualifiers: Gary Knittle, Chris Kalzmerck, Ed Delsky, Scott Galayde.

Keystone Blind Association Scramble — Qualifiers: Kevin Willis, Gregg Strollo, Tim Dye, Ed Reese, Brian Horne.

Struthers Wildcat Scramble — Qualifiers: Rick Norman, Pat Watt, Scott Norman, Monte Morris.

Cortland Relay For Life Memorial Golf Outing — Qualifiers: Matt Everly, Mike Everly, Ken Flanigan, Lee Padula.

United Way Golf Outing — Qualifiers to be announced.

Applewood Swim Club Scramble — Qualifiers to be announced.

Falcon Boys and Girls Golf Outing — Qualifiers to be announced.


9 — YMCA Golf Outing at Knoll Run Golf course. Time: 8 a.m. Cost: $75. Contact: Beth Scheller at bethscheller@youngstownymca.org or 330-480-5651.

16 — Austintown Elementary PTA Scramble at Bedford Trails Golf Course. Time: 7:30 a.m. Cost: $75. Contact: Chad Hanysh at chanysh@myloopcard.com or 330-502-5940.

16 — Poland Touchdown Club Outing at Knoll Run Golf Course. Time: 8 a.m. Cost: $100. Contact: Kevin Hawkins at khawk6600@hotmail.com or 330-787-7090.

20 — Cortland Rotary Golf Classic at Tamer Win Golf & Country Club. Time: noon. Cost: $80. Contact: Jim Noel at sfleon@aol.com or 330-758-9779.


5 — Clubs For Kids-Akron Children’s Hospital Scramble at Youngstown Country Club. Time: noon. Cost: $300. Contact: JoAnn Stock at jstock@chmca.org or 330-746-9122.

13 — AZZ Memorial Golf Outing at Knoll Run Golf Course. Time: 8 a.m. Cost: $70. Contact: Mike Zoccali at 330-502-9686.

13 — Chuck Housteau Memorial Outing at Rolling Hills Golf Course. Time: 9 a.m. Cost: $70. Contact: Mike Roberts at mrbiggmikee@zoominternet.net or 330-360-8140.