Children recycle to make blooming bouquets


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Riley LaRocca worked with her mother to make a flower bouquet out of egg cartons, coffee filters and pipe cleaners at the Austintown library on June 6.


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Peg Flynn of the Green Team read the book "Recycle Every Day!" to children at the Austintown library on June 6.


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Children worked on making flower bouquets out of recycled materials at the Austintown library on June 6.


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Children who attended the recycling event at the Austintown library on June 6 made a flower bouquet out of styrofoam egg cartons, pipe cleaners and coffee filters.


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Peg Flynn stood with the children after they made their recycled flower bouquets at the On Your Mark, Get Set, Recycle! event at the Austintown library on June 6.


Peg Flynn from the Mahoning Valley Green Team visited the Austintown library on June 6 to read a book and prepare an activity for the children.

Flynn read the book “Recycle Every Day!” by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace. The book is about a rabbit named Minna who prepares a poster about recycling every day. Wallace made the book out of recycled materials like bubble wrap, envelopes and wallpaper.

When Flynn finished reading the book, she taught the children how to make a flower bouquet with supplies that Flynn provided. The supplies were materials that could be found around the house like a Styrofoam egg carton, coffee filters and pipe cleaners. Each of the children had three cut out egg cartons to make the flowers, three pipe cleaners for the stems, a coffee filter to put the flowers through and a ribbon to tie them all together.

“We’re doing ‘Recycle Every Day!,’ then we are making a craft and they’re getting an activity book they can take home that’s about the environment,” said Flynn.

This event was part of the Summer Discovery Summer reading program. Children who enroll in the program earn badges, and for every so many badges, the children get to pick out different prizes. The Summer Discovery program runs from June 1 until Aug. 31 and is open to children and adults.

Flynn and her coworker, Kim Lewis, will be going to several libraries in Mahoning County throughout the summer to continue to give the presentation on recycling.