Woman gets probation in chicken wings stabbing

By Joe Gorman



A man who was stabbed after being kicked out of a woman’s home, only to go back for his chicken wings, told a judge Tuesday he thinks the defendant has been punished enough.

The victim also told Judge Lou D’Apolito in Mahoning County Common Pleas Court he was not sure if he would continue to keep in contact with Cynthia Bland, 60, who pleaded guilty to stabbing the man in April at her Miller Street home.

The judge told the victim that if he continues a relationship with Bland after she stabbed him in a drunken rage, his eyes should be “wide open.”

The victim responded: “Sir, if I do, I’m going into it with everything open.”

Bland spent several weeks in jail and is undergoing counseling at Community Corrections Association for anger management and alcohol issues. Prosecutors recommended probation for her with counseling after she pleaded guilty to stabbing the victim at her home.

She was sentenced to two years’ probation and told if she behaves, she can be released from probation after a year. If not, the judge said he will lengthen her probation, possibly put her in jail and may even sentence her to prison.

Police said Bland had been drinking and got upset when the victim refused to get her more alcohol and she told him to leave. The man called a woman for a ride, and when Bland heard the woman’s voice she became enraged, reports said. He left, but came back for the chicken wings he left behind, which is when he was stabbed.

At times giving relationship advice as well as legal advice, Judge D’Apolito told the victim he was lucky he was not more seriously injured. The victim told the judge he thinks counseling and probation are the right sentences for Bland.

“I do feel justified as to what happened here,” the victim said. “I do believe Ms. Bland has issues she has to deal with.”

When asked if he was drinking as well, the victim said he had “a couple of beers,” but he added the lion’s share of the drinking was done by Bland, and that fueled her anger.

“She gets angry,” the victim said. “She got mad because I wouldn’t go to get her no more alcohol,” the victim said.

The victim said he has not seen Bland since he was stabbed, and when the judge asked him if he plans to see her in the future, he did not know.

“I’ll give it to you truthfully, sir: Only time will tell,” he said.

Judge D’Apolito said perhaps the victim should no longer see Bland.

“I suppose the two of you don’t get along together,” Judge D’Apolito said. “You two are like fire and water together.”