Pa. officials worry as school district told to revoke tax hike
NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) — Education officials fear a judge’s decision ordering a suburban Philadelphia school district to revoke its tax hike could lead to lawsuits around Pennsylvania challenging other school districts’ tax increases.
The Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators’ director tells The Philadelphia Inquirer he’s never before heard of a “judge substituting his/her judgment of financial needs of the district in place of locally elected school board members.”
Jim Buckheit says he anticipates more lawsuits.
The director of the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials says the ruling could encourage “fearful budgeting.”
On Monday, a Montgomery County judge ordered Lower Merion School District to revoke its latest tax increase. The judge says the district misled taxpayers by projecting large budget deficits when it was socking away millions.
The district says it will appeal.