Howland woman arraigned on felonious assault, accused of trying to hit ex-boyfriend with car
Staff report
Brandy Rush, 23, of Valacamp Avenue Southeast in Howland, was arraigned Monday in Girard Municipal Court on charges accusing her of trying to run over an ex-boyfriend.
She was released from the Trumbull County Jail Monday afternoon after posting bond. No plea was required on two counts of felonious assault and one count of criminal damaging.
Rush was arrested at 6:17 a.m. Saturday after a resident of Niles-Vienna Road in Vienna called police regarding a vehicle attempting to run over a man in his yard.
When Vienna police found the victim, 30, of Neil Street in Niles, he said he and Rush had been arguing in Niles, so he walked toward Vienna, and Rush located him. She tried multiple times to run him over with the car, he said. He was not injured.
The victim called Rush on her cellphone, and a Vienna officer persuaded her to come back to Vienna so he could talk to her.
She initially denied knowing anything about the incident, then later said the man hit the back of her car with his car in Niles and hit her in the face in Niles. The officer found no bruising on her face, but he found dents and a broken window on her car.
On July 18, Fowler Township police reported that the same man reported that she drove a car into him and his car during an argument at his mother’s house on Sodom Hutchings Road in that township.
Police located Rush at her home in Niles and found her car with dents and paint scrapes and Rush with bruises. Rush said the boyfriend started the violence by hitting her car with a board. No charges appear to have been filed against Rush or the man in that incident.