Secret service scoping out union hall in advance of Biden visit Thursday
Vice President Joe Biden is returning to the United Auto Workers Local 1714 union hall Thursday – four years and one day after he last campaigned there.
“Isn’t that crazy?” Sherry Grant, UAW Local 1714 vice president, said Tuesday at the union hall about Biden’s timing. “We’re real excited. We’re very busy right now. Secret Service has been here all day.”
Thursday’s visit by Biden will be on behalf of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Also, ex-Gov. Ted Strickland, the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate, and U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Howland, D-13th, will speak at the rally, Grant said.
Doors to the hall will open at 9:30 a.m., with the event starting at 11, according to Clinton’s campaign.
An email Tuesday to the media from the campaign states: “Biden will lay out the high stakes of November’s election and urge Ohioans to support Clinton and her vision for an America that is stronger together, with an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.”
Those wanting to attend the Biden event in the Valley can RSVP online at:
Read more about the visit in Wednesday's Vindicator or on