Poland citizens to host forum on schools tonight
Staff report
A group of citizens concerned about Poland schools invite community members to attend a forum at 7 tonight at the high-school auditorium.
Also invited to the meeting are school-district officials, several of whom plan to attend.
Among them is Superintendent David Janofa, who said he recently received a letter from the group. He responded to its inquiries with some answers, then accepted its request for this meeting, he said.
He stressed, however, that tonight’s meeting is not his, but the group’s. He plans to answer any questions that he can and will speak broadly about the school district if given the opportunity.
“I’m excited about the opportunity to meet with them,” he said, noting that the district already is in the midst of reaching out to the community for input on facility needs.
Defeated at the polls last November for a bond issue that would have funded construction of a new school, district leaders have since been brainstorming the best solution to what they characterize as pressing facility needs. A survey seeking community input on the issue is posted on polandbulldogs.com.
Facilities are among the concerns identified by the citizens group.
“There are issues with leadership, and curriculum and the facilities,” said retired teacher Barbara Stacy, who is affiliated with the group. “There’s just a lot of things that need to be addressed.”
The group plans for the meeting to be an open forum in which attendees can participate and ask questions.
“We want people there that have concerns about the Poland schools,” said Stacy. “We want them to be aware of what’s going on.”