Today is Monday, Aug. 29, the 242nd day of 2016. There are 124 days left in the year.
Today is Monday, Aug. 29, the 242nd day of 2016. There are 124 days left in the year.
On this date in:
1533: The last Incan King of Peru, Atahualpa, is executed on orders of Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro.
1877: The second president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Brigham Young, dies in Salt Lake City, Utah, at age 76.
1944: 15,000 American troops of the 28th Infantry Division march down the Champs Elysees in Paris as the French capital continues to celebrate its liberation from the Nazis.
1958: Pop superstar Michael Jackson is born in Gary, Ind.
1966: The Beatles conclude their fourth American tour with their last public concert, at Candlestick Park in San Francisco.
1996: The Democratic National Convention in Chicago nominates Al Gore for a second term as vice president.
2005: Hurricane Katrina hits the Gulf Coast near Buras, La., bringing floods that devastated New Orleans. More than 1,800 people die.
1991: NBC-TV’s weatherman Willard Scott appears at the Canfield Fair. Scott, famous for celebrating the 100th birthdays of viewers, interviews Marie Lloyd of Canfield, who turns 100 on Sept. 6.
A Lawrence County jury awards a record $5 million to Donna Jean Critchlow, 26, who was paralyzed in a car accident involving a drunken driver.
Police Chief Randall Wellington says four Youngstown patrolmen will be transferred from cruisers to walking beats in high-crime areas.
1976: The Youngstown State University Reserve Officer Training Corps commissions two cadets as second lieutenants: Robin K. Hanni and James H. Centric. Hanni will serve as an armor officer at Fort Knox, Ky., and Centric, an infantry officer at Fort Benning, Ga.
Three Mill Creek Park employees, Douglas Pezzuto, Henry Panfil and Frank Rohrbaugh, capture a copperhead near the Flats, the first time a poisonous snake was caught in the park in 70 years.
Concertgoers, apparently angry when rain and misbehavior in the stands cut short what was supposed to be a day-long rock concert, begin throwing rocks and bottles as they exit the Trumbull County Expo Center. Two Pennsylvania youths are in critical condition in Trumbull Memorial Hospital with knife wounds after a man went berserk. The Mosquito Dam Jam was to feature the J. Geils Band and Blue Oyster Cult.
1966: Carolyn “Cookie” Richards, “Miss Majorette of 1967,” will conduct a two-day twirl-a-thon aimed at young twirlers.
Lloyd C. Brown of Salem is the owner of the stallion division champion Belgian in the 21st annual American Belgian Show at the Ohio State Fair.
Members of Bethel 35, International Order of Job’s Daughters, have a slumber party at the Stevens Youth Cabin in Niles.
Anthony Modarelli, 47, of Brier Hill and his children, Anthony Jr., 11; and Nancy, 7, escape serious injury when a motorboat in which they were riding was struck broadside by another motorboat in Miller’s Bay at Lake Milton.
1941: Youngstown may be among the first Ohio cities to remove abandoned streetcar tracks for scrap. There is enough scrap on Youngstown streets when mixed with equal amounts of pig iron to make 120 army tanks of 50 tons or 1,600 large caliber guns.
Directors of the Canfield Fair were turning down livestock entries for lack of room with outstanding stock from all parts of the Mahoning Valley setting an all-time record.
A $41.8 million expansion plan for the Sharon Transformer Plant is announced by Westinghouse Electric. Included are a new shop building and a four-story office building, which will house laboratories.