Trumbull fairgrounds to get new restrooms

Trumbull fairgrounds to get new restrooms


The Trumbull County commissioners and county fair board announced this week that the restrooms at the county fairgrounds will be replaced with a $268,000 project this fall to provide new toilets, showers and wash tubs in a 30-by-60-foot building.

There will be four showers, five urinals, and five toilets in the men’s area and nine toilets with stalls and four showers on the women’s side.

Each will have six hand-washing sinks and hand dryers. There will be a family bathroom and baby-changing station.

The fair board is paying $175,000 of the cost, $50,000 comes from an Ohio Department of Agriculture grant, and the rest comes from county general funds, said Commissioner Dan Polivka.

Repairs, cleanup slated for expressway


Through Sunday, the city and the Ohio Department of Transportation are removing overgrown weeds and other vegetation, and making minor grading repairs to shoulders and berms on both sides of the Madison Avenue Expressway between the Wick Avenue and Wirt Street exits. There will be intermittent lane restrictions while the work is done.

Trustees to meet


The Boardman Township trustees will have a special meeting at 10 a.m. today at the Boardman School District office, 7410 Market St.

The purpose of the meeting is to purchase police cruisers and adjourn into executive session to discuss land acquisition (sale/purchase of property).

Railroad-crossing repairs scheduled


State Route 517 will be closed next week between Fairfield School Road and state Route 558 near East Fairfield for railroad-crossing repairs on the Youngstown Southeastern Railroad, the Ohio Department of Transportation announced.

Beginning at the intersection of state Route 45 and state Route 164/state Route 517, traffic will be detoured south on state Route 45 to state Route 30, state Route 45, state Route 154, then east on US 30, state Route 45, state Route 154, east to state Route 7, north to state Route 558, west back to state Route 517, and reverse.

This work is expected to be completed and the road reopened in five days.

WRTA plans hourly service on bus routes


Starting Sept. 6, the Western Reserve Transit Authority will have hourly service on all its bus routes in Mahoning County.

That adds 56 more trips a day to the about 300 current weekday bus routes it has and doubles the number of trips Saturday, said James Ferraro, WRTA’s executive director.

“We already serve the targeted areas, but riders told us they needed more-frequent trips,” he said. “Previously, some had to wait two hours for service. But now, all of our routes will have service every hour.”

Rates will remain the same with the cost as low as 60 cents per trip.

The newly revised schedule will be on the agency’s website – – shortly, Ferraro said.

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