Man pleads guilty, says he wasn’t in ‘right state of mind’ in robbery case
By Joe Gorman
Kevin Stoffer told a judge Friday in Mahoning County Common Pleas Court he was high on pills and cocaine earlier this year when he robbed a mentally challenged woman of $140 at knifepoint.
“I wasn’t in my right state of mind,” said Stoffer, 19, of Kendis Circle, sporting a tattoo on his arm that read, “Born To Be A King,” after Judge Lou D’Apolito asked him, “What kind of man are you?”
Stoffer entered guilty pleas to charges of aggravated robbery and robbery in the March 1 incident at a trailer park in Youngstown. The victim, who had trouble speaking in court, was not harmed, but in answers to questions from Judge D’Apolito, she said she was afraid when she was robbed,
Stoffer will be sentenced by Judge D’Apolito after he is sentenced by Judge Shirley J. Christian on a probation violation for a 2015 aggravated-robbery charge.
Answering most of the judge’s questions during the plea hearing with a monosyllabic “yeah,” Stoffer told the judge he was on drugs when he robbed the victim. He said he does have a drug problem.
Judge D’Apolito said Stoffer is potentially giving up five years of his life over $140.
“It doesn’t sound like a very smart thing, does it?” the judge asked.
“No,” Stoffer replied.
The judge said he gave Stoffer some credit because it appeared Stoffer did not want to harm the victim, but he added that he thinks Stoffer is very selfish, which is troubling for someone who is so young.
“Your feelings for other people are obvious,” Judge D’Apolito said. “You don’t care about other people, and that’s a terrible thing to say about a 19-year-old.”