Let the fever, fervor of high school football begin
And they’re off and run- ning. High school football teams across the Mahoning and Shenango valleys darted, dashed and dived onto the field Thursday and Friday for the start of another frenzied, fevered and fast-paced season of gridiron action.
We join fans of all teams in wishing their hometown squads success in quests for championship titles come December. From now until then, The Vindicator/Vindy.com and its team of Blitz reporters, photographers, videographers, bloggers and others will be chronicling virtually every move on the field for three-dozen plus teams.
We’re particularly excited this season with the launch of Blitz Live, a new football program live on Vindy.com every Friday throughout the season from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. Valley games, live stadium updates and colorful insight from Blitz Live’s team of seasoned and football-savvy reporters now will be at your fingertips whether you’re in Youngstown or any town around the world.
We’ve eagerly awaited and prepared for the 2016 season that will be chock full of ups, downs, thrills, chills and high-intensity impact on players, coaches, schools, fans and communities alike. And why shouldn’t we? High school football has become a Friday-night lights tradition in these parts for many good reasons.
For players, the game builds respect, loyalty, responsibility, self-discipline, sportsmanship and cooperation.
For schools, the game builds revenue for athletic and other programs while helping to cement school spirit.
For communities, it builds identity and cohesiveness.
But now it’s time to get down and dirty. For starters, don’t miss the 28-page special Blitz Faces of Football tabloid that will be published in Sunday’s newspaper as Section F.
Each week, look forward to a new Blitz section in your Friday Vindicator and fresh updates at Blitz online. In addition to the new Blitz Live programs, faithful followers can continue to count on their weekly fixes of Blitz Picks, Five to Watch, schedules, previews and features.
And don’t miss expanded post-game football coverage today and every Saturday in The Vindicator and on Vindy.com.
We go the extra mile because The Vindicator recognizes the value, the tradition and the passion behind high school football in the Mahoning Valley to its players, fans, schools and communities.
That’s why we’ll be putting on our A-game over the next three months to provide the best and most comprehensive coverage for our proud football-frenetic region.
Our growing legion of Blitz and Blitz Live followers deserves nothing less.