Disaster victims grateful for politicians’ attention
Associated Press
In a dramatic, made-for-camera arrival, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence stepped off a Blackhawk helicopter to tour tornado-damaged neighborhoods Thursday, giving out hugs and promising swift assistance a day after several twisters touched down.
The people of this city about an hour north of Indianapolis, where a tornado toppled a Starbucks coffee shop and tore apart homes, were grateful for the attention.
“It means a lot that they are taking time out of their schedules,” said Heidi Otiker, who was clearing debris from her yard when Pence stopped by with TV crews and reporters. If he stayed away, she said, it would have cost him votes: “If you can’t come out and support us in our time of need, why should we support you in your time of need?”
The Republican vice presidential candidate’s decision to quickly leave the campaign trail came just days after he and running mate Donald Trump harshly criticized Obama for delaying a tour of devastating Louisiana flooding until after his vacation, and it underscores the political perils of not showing up for disasters.
Politicians who don’t make an appearance risk angering voters or giving opponents a line of attack.
President George W. Bush was harshly panned for his handling of Hurricane Katrina, which was exacerbated by his decision to fly over the Louisiana disaster instead of visiting.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie drew the ire of critics in 2010, when he decided to go to Disney World after his state was hit by a blizzard. Two years later, he was widely praised for his handling of Hurricane Sandy, which included touring the damage with Obama.
Trump and Pence toured the flooding in Baton Rouge several days before Obama and blasted the president for golfing instead of cutting short his vacation.
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said Obama was better off waiting until after the cleanup was underway, so as not to pull resources away from the effort — though his decision might have been different if he were running for office.
As a candidate in 2008, Obama attacked Bush’s response to Hurricane Katrina. And in 2012, the year of his re-election, he rushed to Louisiana to show solidarity with victims of Hurricane Isaac.
Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, said she has not visited Louisiana yet because “the relief effort can’t afford any distractions.”
That’s a real concern with high-profile visits, even though they may draw attention to the disaster, said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. Presidents did not routinely visit disaster areas until they easily could fly there.