Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Cars that have won awards at other car shows were available to look at during the annual Corvette Car show at Austintown Greenwood Chevrolet on Aug. 7.

Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.There were sections for steel body cars at the annual Corvette Car show on Aug. 7 at Greenwood Chevrolet in Austintown.

Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Several cars lined up at Greenwood Chevrolet in Austintown on Aug. 7 for the annual Corvette Car show put on by the Mahoning Valley Corvette Club.

Dan Lyden, Preseident on the Corvette Club, and Mike Sodomora, Vice President, held up two of the prizes winners would receive at the annual Corvette Car Show at Greenwood Chevrolet in Austintown on Aug. 7.

Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Vice President of the Corvette Club, Mike Sodomora, stood next to his Corvette at the annual Corvette Car show on Aug. 7 at Greenwood Chevrolet in Austintown.
The Mahoning Valley Corvette Club hosted its 22nd annual car show at Greenwood Chevrolet in Austintown on Aug. 7.
The MVCC, established in 1962, hosts several events throughout the year with the car show being the biggest. Many of the proceeds raised during the show go to different charities around the Mahoning Valley such as the VA Outpatient Clinic, the Food Pantry, the Silvering Lining Cancer Fund and the Yellow Brick Place. Within the last eight years, more than $20,000 has been donated to different charities from the car show.
“We do a lot of things for the charities. That’s our main reason for having a show, it’s our highest priority,” said Mike Sodomora, Vice President of the MVCC.
Cars of all different types are brought in to be put on display and entered for a chance to win an award. In 2015, 92 Corvettes were brought to the show. In 2016, there were more than 100 Corvettes and more than 40 steel body cars.
Participants could register their car prior to the car show and the morning of.
There were several different categories for the cars to be judged on and the spectators who attended had the opportunity to vote for their favorites. This years winner for the Best of Show Corvette was Bob Fratus with a 1967 Corvette Convertible and the Best in Show Class Car was James Masters with a 1949 Mercury.
All of the winners received a trophy resembling a license plate.
Money is also raised from 50/50 raffle sales, t-shirt sales and more than 60 baskets donated for the Chinese auction. Part of the money that is not given to charity or paid for other expenses is rewarded to a family member of one of the MVCC members.
Concession trucks and a DJ attended the car show for the spectators to be provided with entertainment.
“This is one of the biggest shows around the area with Corvettes,” said Sodomora.