“Murder at Howard Johnson’s,” Stage Left Players, Trinity Playhouse, 234 E. Lincoln Way, Lisbon, with artistic direction from Bill Finley, auditions at 6 p.m. Aug. 28 and 29. One woman and two men are needed to play ages 25-55, and they must have good comedic/slapstick timing to play the roles of Arlene, bored with husband Paul, who lures him to the local “No-Tell Motel” where she and her dentist lover, Mitchell, plot to do him in. The show will run for two weekends from Oct. 21 to 23 and 28 to 30. For information, email or call 330-831-7249.
Opera Western Reserve’s “Carmen,” Stambaugh Auditorium, 1000 Fifth Ave., Youngstown, auditions 7 p.m. Sept. 7, performance will be Nov. 11. Chorus master Jon Simsic, directror of Salem Youth Chorus, seeks chorus members. If interested, contact Marisa Zamary at 330-480-0693 in advance.