Seman lawyers seek to bar rape case details from trial
YOUNGSTOWN — Judge Maureen Sweeney this morning heard several motions in Mahoning County Common Pleas Court in the capital murder case of Robert Seman, 47.
Defense attorneys argued that details of a rape case against one of the victims Seman is accused of killing, Corinne Gump, 10, be barred from testimony because it would prejudice jurors against her client.
Judge Sweeney said she will rule on that issue shortly.
Gump was killed in a March 31. 2015, arson at the Powers Way home of her grandparents, William and Judith Schmidt, who were also killed.
The fire happened the day Seman was to go on trial for raping Gump.
Seman could face the death penalty if convicted.
Judge Sweeney also set a hearing for next week for a defense request to have a change of venue.