Austintown school board members promise to visit school buildings more often
Staff report
School board members will be assigned to visit district buildings for what board president Kathy Mock said is “just the right thing to do.”
“We have decided to take ownership of certain buildings and make it a point to come and visit,” she said.
Each board member will be assigned to and be responsible for a different building for the upcoming school year.
“This is not to say we can’t or won’t come visit all of the buildings,” Mock said. “We are glad we are welcome in the buildings, which we hope to see all of our teachers and administrators doing all of the great things we know they are doing.”
In other news, Chris Berni, Fitch High School principal, said he was excited to move forward with Kritti’s Closet – a donation-based classroom filled with free supplies, snacks and clothes for students – for the first full school year.
“We’re going to go full force with that this year,” he said. “It’s just another great example of student leaders helping launch it.”
Another donation board members accepted was for $200 worth of school supplies from Millard and Virginia VanHoose for the upcoming school year.
The next board meeting will take place at 5 p.m. Sept. 21 in the Austintown Middle School cafeteria.