Polish-American Heritage Festival Day is Saturday
Staff report
In preparation for its seventh annual Polish-American Heritage Day Festival, which will take place from 11 a.m. until 11 p.m. Saturday at St. Anne’s Catholic Church, 3055 S. Raccoon Road, organizers are inviting the public to help make parts of the event happen.
The event is seeking the best amateur cooks and their businesses in town to show their stuff. The contest will take place at 2 p.m.
Applicants will be judged in one of four categories: homemade traditional, which includes boiled or fried pirogi filled with cheese, cheese/potato or kapusta (pickled or fresh cabbage) with or without mushrooms, carrots, etc.; homemade nontraditional, which is open to entrant’s creativity, keeping in mind that a pirogi is a stuffed pocket of dough; commercial, which is open to any business using a traditional recipe; and dessert, which includes pirogis made as a dessert open to entrant’s creativity.
The winners in each category will walk away with prizes and the title of Youngstown’s Best Pirogi Maker.
The event will also feature a pirogi-eating contest at 6 p.m., which is open to anyone 18 and older. The goal is to see how many buttered dumplings one can eat in three minutes.
There is an entry fee of $10 with each contestant receiving a pirogi T-shirt. First-, second-, and third-place prizes will be awarded.
For information or entry forms, visit www.polishyoungstown.org, email info@polishyoungstown.org or call 330-333-9724.