Overdose awareness to be focus of event
Overdose awareness to be focus of event
OhioCAN will host International Overdose Awareness Day from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 31 at the Courthouse Square gazebo downtown.
The event will feature music, snacks and beverages. OhioCAN Recovery representatives will be speaking.
A candlelight vigil in memory of loved ones also will take place. Participants who wish to have names added to the memorial are asked to bring a photo with the first name, age, date of passing, and a contact number.
Call Elizabeth Beckley at 330-717-9241 with questions.
Arrest in tool theft from Warren church
The Warren Police Department, which enlisted the help of the public, has arrested a Newton Falls man in the theft of a yard tool from St. James Church on Burton Street Southeast last week.
Joshua M. Harris, 32, of Jewel North Road, Newton Falls, was arraigned Monday after police arrested him Friday afternoon. He pleaded not guilty, and bond of $2,500 was set. Police issued an arrest warrant for Harris on Thursday in the Tuesday-morning theft of a weed eater/brush hog from the church parking lot.
A man told police that someone stole the tool, valued at $800, while he was inside using the church restroom. Police placed surveillance photos of the suspect on its Facebook page.
Greene road closing
Durst Colebrook Road between York Street and state Route 87 in Greene Township in Trumbull County will be closed for a culvert replacement from next Monday through Sept. 23. The recommended detour route is east on state Route 87, north on state Route 46 and west on York, according to a news release from the Trumbull County Engineer’s Office.
Ride with officials
The second annual Trumbull County Ride With The Commissioners will take place at 9 a.m. Sept. 17 with refreshments at the Sunside Trailhead, 547 Center St. East (state Route 305).
At 10 a.m., riders and the county commissioners will depart south to ride the Paul E. Heltzel portion of the Western Reserve Greenway, which is about a 7-mile ride.
Brownlee Woods meeting Thursday
The Brownlee Woods Neighborhood Association will have its monthly meeting Thursday at Faith Community Church, 1919 E. Midlothian Blvd. Refreshments and social time will begin at 6 p.m., and the meeting will start at 6:30 p.m.
Guest speaker will be Sean McKinney, building and grounds commissioner for the city.
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