Agenda Wednesday
Agenda Wednesday
Canfield school board, 7:30 a.m., special meeting for the purpose of hiring, board meeting room, 100 Wadsworth St.
Poland Township trustees, 6 p.m., Township Government Center, 3339 Dobbins Road.
Weathersfield school board, 7 p.m., high school media center, 1334 Seaborn St., Mineral Ridge.
Lowellville school board, special meeting to conduct regular board business, 52 Rocket Place.
Lakeview school board, special meeting 4 p.m., office of the superintendent, 300 Hillman Drive, Cortland.
Austintown-Boardman-Mahoning County Joint Communications District, 10 a.m., Austintown Township Hall, 82 Ohltown Road.