YSU to help city of Youngstown secure grant funding
YOUNGSTOWN — There are numerous opportunities for the city to obtain grant money, but there are steps that need taken to ensure success, said a Youngstown State University research official.
The city’s board of control signed a contract last Thursday to pay up to $200,000 – at a rate of $50 an hour – to YSU’s Regional Economic Development Initiative during the next 24 months to help Youngstown obtain grants it doesn’t normally receive.
REDI officials met today with city council members to discuss the deal and what is expected from each side.
The work will succeed only if there is ongoing communication, a dedication to successfully submitting applications, quick decision-making and spending as much time on the grant application as possible, said Michael Hripko, YSU’s association vice president for research and the head of REDI.
Hripko asked for a single point of contact in city government to help expedite grant applications. Mayor John A. McNally said Finance Director David Bozanich would be that person.
The plan, Hripko said, is for city officials to define areas of interest and priorities, and YSU will search for potential grants. Also, he said, the city will determine what scope of work it wants from REDI such as convening meetings, identifying potential funding sources and preparing proposals for the city to sign.
For the complete story, read Tuesday's Vindicator and Vindy.com