New Students make their homes at YSU
By Sarah Lehr
As she unloaded boxes from her car Friday, Erin Nadolski of Parma said she was “nervous but excited” to move into her Kilcawley House dorm room and begin her first year at Youngstown State University.
Her 15-year-old brother, Justin, chimed in to say he was sure his older sister would miss him more than anything else while she was away at college.
Nadolski responded with a snort and a laugh.
Nadolski, who will study nursing, is one of about 900 students who will be moving into housing at Youngstown State University this weekend.
The majority of freshmen moved in Saturday, while the majority of upperclassmen will move in today.
Olivia Cupp, YSU associate director of housing, said on-campus housing is at maximum capacity this year.
The university enrolls more than 12,500 students, according to its website. Eric Bramer, one of 23 students who serves as a residence adviser, said on-campus housing is becoming increasingly popular as part of the university’s transition from a commuter campus to a residential campus.
Bramer greeted new residents with lanyards, student handbooks and bottled water. The water was popular, given that temperatures reached the high 80s Saturday afternoon.
“We have to help them get connected, especially with their fellow residents,” Bramer said of new students. “The campus needs to feel like home. If it doesn’t feel like home, they’re not going to do well academically or socially.”
Many parents and students described the move-in process as relatively calm, though road work on Wick and Lincoln Avenues tied up traffic near the campus. Housing staff members directed cars as student volunteers used carts to help new students with luggage.
This year, the university made a few procedural changes to streamline its move-in process, Cupp said.
The university staggered move-in times alphabetically by last name and allowed Kilcawley residents to begin move-in at 10 a.m. Residents of Cafaro and Lyden Houses started to arrive at 1 p.m.
Classes begin Monday.