Kasich is done talking about Trump

Associated Press


Republican Gov. John Kasich says he has nothing further to say about his party’s presidential nominee.

Kasich has declined to endorse Donald Trump and pointedly didn’t participate in the Republican National Convention proceedings in Cleveland, where Trump was officially nominated after topping Kasich and the rest of the GOP field.

“I’ve said all I need to say about Trump,” said Kasich, who has been critical of Trump’s attacking style, among other things. “My actions speak louder than my words.”

Kasich told the Dayton Daily News on Thursday, as he campaigned with U.S. Sen. Rob Portman near Dayton, that he plans to also campaign for Senate and House candidates in several other states, including Florida, Texas and Colorado.

Kasich predicted that Portman will win re-election against former Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland.

“It doesn’t even matter what happens at the top of the ticket,” Kasich said. “I think he’s been able to separate himself and make this race about who he is and what he’s for.”

Strickland again praised Kasich for refusing to endorse Trump, in contrast to Portman, who has endorsed Trump while keeping his distance from him.

“Today is a clear and compelling reminder that – by refusing to endorse Donald Trump – Governor Kasich has shown the kind of moral courage and independence that Senator Portman has not,” Strickland said in a statement. Kasich defeated Strickland’s bid for re-election in 2010.

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