BTS blessing set at Second Baptist
BTS blessing set at Second Baptist
Second Baptist Church, 1510 Main Ave. SW, will conduct a back-to-school blessing at 10:15 a.m. Aug. 28.
Steve Chiaro, Warren City Schools superintendent, will be a guest along with faculty members.
Students, parents, teachers, coaches and administrators from Warren City Schools and other local schools are invited to join in this service of worship and prayer in preparation for the school year.
First Calvary plans youth musical
First Calvary Baptist Church, 126 E. Wood St., will present a faith-based youth musical and talent showcase at 7 p.m. Sunday featuring singers, dancers, mime and puppetry.
The event is free.
Host will be India Raven McDowell. Performers include Nate Jones, Jan’e Oliver, Mark Rheins Jr. and Alteeka Vanwright.
Guest speaker will be minister Chris Gunther.
Interim pastor is the Rev. Bernice Gordon.
First Friday Club set to meet Sept. 1
Pat Campbell will be the featured speaker when the First Friday Club of Greater Youngstown meets Sept. 1 at Antone’s Banquet Centre, 8578 Market St.
She is a certified director of music ministries. Her topic will be “Blessings Abound: Sacraments, Scriptures, Song, Symbol.”
The luncheon is from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $16.
Reservations must be made by calling 330-720-4498 or visiting
Picnic for ministries features talent
Three ministries, Crossing Paths, Cedar Avenue Bible Church and Full Gospel Businessmen, will have the annual picnic and talent hunt at noon Aug. 29 at Shenango Township Park, 3439 Hubbard-West Middlesex Road.
Meat and beverage will be provided. Participants are asked to provide a covered dish or a dessert and lawn chairs.
For reservations, call 724-981-7777.
Children and adults are encouraged to share their talent.
For talent arrangements, call Dave Poling at 724-301-2540.
There will be special music by Linda Weber, and speaker Ron Kosar, former NFL player with New England and Detroit.
Sept. 21 workshop in diocese planned
The Diocese of Youngstown will sponsor a workshop Sept. 21 titled “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.”
Bishop George V. Murry and Jim Tobin, associate director for social concerns of the Catholic Conference of Ohio, will lead a dialogue reflecting the church’s teaching related to voting and political engagement.
The afternoon session will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. in St. Michael Church social hall, 300 N. Broad St., Canfield, Ohio.
The session will be repeated from 6 to 9 p.m. in St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Helman Center, 3430 St. Michael Blvd., N.W., Canton.
Funded in part by the Bishop’s Appeal, the program is free.
Registration is requested for preparation of materials and refreshments.
Register at or call 330-744-8451, ext. 302.