Rotary offers flag program
The Poland Rotary is offering a flag program. The club will install a flag in your front yard covering the six major holidays (Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Patriot Day (9/11) and Veterans Day). They will insert a PVC plastic sleeve, along with a cap, in the ground in your front yard to hold the flag. Nothing is attached to your home. A 3 foot by 5 foot American Flag mounted on a 10 foot metal pole will be placed in the sleeve to cover these holidays and taken down by our club in between. The club purchases the flags with mountings and they store and maintain them. It is all done for you. Proceeds from this program are used to support local youth, community and international Rotary projects. The total cost is $35 per year. You can download an order form through a link online at Note that all flag installations have to be called in to “Call Before You Dig.” They require a 48-hour window from Monday-Friday. Make checks payable to Poland Rotary and mail to: POLAND ROTARY, P.O. BOX 5218, POLAND OHIO 44514. Questions can be emailed to This service is offered to all businesses and residents of Poland, Ohio.
Local children to audition to perform with Moscow Ballet
The Moscow Ballet will be running a “Dance With Us” program in Youngstown for students ages 7-17. Anna Radik, soloist and a principal dancer from the Moscow Ballet, will be auditioning children from the Youngstown area on Aug. 29 at Ruth’s Dance and Fitness Co. LLC in Boardman to audition for “The Great Russian Nutcracker,” which will take place at Deyor Performing Arts Center on Nov. 26. The choreography will be taught Aug. 29 through Sept. 1, then after that Ruth from Ruth’s Dance and Fitness Co. LLC will work on the choreography with the students. All children from the Youngstown community between the ages of 7-17 are welcome to audition. If cast, the students will need to pay a $50 casting fee and must be able to attend all rehearsals between Aug. 29 and Sept. 1.
Nerd Culture in America with Brad Ricca
On Sept. 17 at 11 a.m., Brad Ricca will present an enlightening and entertaining history of nerd/geek culture and how it moved from small groups of fans to the billion-dollar industry that gave us “The Avengers,” “The Big Bang Theory” and “San Diego Comic-Con” at the Poland library. This event is for teens and adults.
Cafaro Family Foundation supports local Scoutreach
The Cafaro Family Foundation has provided a $5,000 donation to the local Boy Scouts of America’s Scoutreach program for this coming school year. This recent donation reflects the perennial support by the Cafaro Family Foundation for Scoutreach, which brings Scouting to disadvantaged youth in the Warren and Youngstown City Schools at no cost to either the schools or to youth that become Cub Scouts. This past school year, more than 1,000 boys in grades 1-5 participated in this Scouting program, which is not only well received by the children, but also by the teachers and school administrators. This Scouting program reinforces good study habits, attendance and individual recognition. The generosity of the Cafaro Family Foundation will support Scoutreach’s current initiative to expand the program to include sixth-graders, which is a request by school administrators.
Learn to square dance with Friendly Squares
Learn to square dance at the weekly square dance lessons being offered beginning Sept. 13 from 7-9 p.m. at the Niles Senior SCOPE Center, located at 14 E. State St. in Niles. The lessons are being offered by the Niles Friendly Squares. All age groups are welcome. There is a nominal fee of $6 per lesson. For additional information, contact Gene Hammond at 330-534-4426, 330-506-3370 or The Friendly Squares will be conducting square dance demonstrations at the Canfield Fair on Sept. 1 from 7-8 p.m. and Sept. 4 from 2-3 p.m. at the International Building stage.
Playtime at your library
Prepare for kindergarten through play at the Poland library on Sept. 20 at 6 p.m. Read a story and have fun with developmentally appropriate games and activities that you can do with your child to help them get ready for kindergarten. This event is for those ages 2-6. All children under 7 must be accompanied by an adult.
PLYMC libraries are Pok Stops
Pok mon trainers up to grade 12 are invited to stop in and get a free gift at any local library from Sept. 6-17 during regular library hours. Tell the library staff that you’re there to hunt for Pok mon and you will receive a prize. Check out library materials that day or get a library card and you can receive an additional prize (both prizes are limited to one of each per participant). Your library has always been the place to get your favorite books, DVDs and music CDs and now you can get your Pok mon gear as well. The Pok mon Library project is for children through grade 12.
Bonding with babies and books
The Poland library will host an event for caregivers and their little ones who are 6-23 months every Wednesday in September at 10 a.m. There will be 20 minutes of language enrichment including rhymes, songs and stories, followed by time to play and socialize. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Tales and talk for 2’s and 3’s
Join the Poland library for developmentally appropriate books, songs, rhymes, finger plays and other activities that will help your child (ages 2-3) become a successful reader every Thursday in September at 10:30 a.m. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Fun Time for 4s and 5s
Join the Poland library for developmentally appropriate books, songs, rhymes and finger plays, and other activities that will help your child become a successful reader on Sept. 13 at 10:30 a.m. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Chef’s battle to be Sept. 24
There will be a culinary competition at the Poland library on Sept. 24 at 11 a.m. for school-aged children, tweens and teens, conducted by chefs from Cooking Caravan, that features audience members as sous chefs and judges.
Lego my library
Meet and enjoy creating Lego designs at the Poland library on Sept. 13 from 6-7 p.m. Legos will be provided. This event is for children, age 6 and up.
Listen and Lego on Sept. 8
Listen to a story and then have fun building with Legos on Sept. 8 at 1 p.m. at the Poland library. Legos will be provided. This event is for children ages 4-7.
Positively Preposterous puppet show
Join the Positively Preposterous Puppeteers for an evening of puppet fun on Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. at the Poland library. Enjoy a puppet show and stay afterwards to build your very own sock puppet. This event is for children of all ages.
Read to Roxie
Relax and read to Roxie on Sept. 22 at 6 p.m. at the Poland library. Roxie is a registered therapy dog with Therapy Dogs International. Each child will be given a 15-minute reading session while spots remain. Call 330-744-8636 and ask for the Poland library to register. This event is for grades 1-4.
Trim a Tree for September
Decorate an ornament for the Poland library’s all-seasons tree during regular hours throughout September. This event is for children of all ages.
Tech tryout
Build with snap circuits and try out a Sphero ball on Sept. 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Poland library. They will also discuss the latest in the world of technology. This event is for grades 5-12.
Locate your customers
Join Stuart Gibbs, the Business and Investment Center librarian, to learn about how to target potential customers on Sept. 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the Poland library. The featured databases, D&B Million Dollar Database and ReferenceUSA (Business, HealthCare, New Business and Residential modules), bring timely and authoritative information to develop strategic marketing. To register, call 330-744-8636 and ask for information services or register online using the events calendar. This event is for adults.
Business start-up workshop
The library partners with SCORE, Counselors to America’s Small Business, in presenting this seminar on Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Poland library. Are you thinking about starting a business in the near future or further down the road? Members of SCORE will address key topics for those considering beginning a business: start-up considerations, marketing, finances and technology for business. The Business and Investment Center librarian will discuss the library’s sources and services for business start-up and beyond. To register, call 330-744-8636 and ask for information services or register online using the events calendar. This event is for adults.
Exploring the library’s business databases
Join Stuart Gibbs, the Business and Investment Center librarian, to learn about your customers and potential customers on Sept. 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Poland library. The featured databases, DemographicsNow - Library Edition, Local Market Audience Analyst and ReferenceUSA’s U.S. Consumers/Lifestyles bring timely and authoritative data and insights for your marketing plan. To register, call 330-744-8636 and ask for information services or register online using the events calendar. This event is for adults.
Your library’s website and genealogical research
A better awareness of resources can improve our vision as researchers. On Sept. 22 at 10 a.m. at the Poland library, the Genealogy and Local History librarian will help you form a connection with and build confidence as you unravel the mysteries of your family tree. Registration is required by phoning 330-744-8636 or online via the library’s events calendar. This event is for teens and adults.
Appy hour
What’s an app? What apps are right for me? Learn all about popular apps for smartphones and mobile devices on Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Poland library. See a variety of apps that will help you connect to your library, find a good place to eat, keep you entertained in a long grocery line, find a great new recipe or find great music to listen to on your walk. Registration recommended, call 330-744-8636, and ask for Poland. This event is for adults and teens.
Blood drive
There will be a blood drive by the Mahoning Chapter of the American Red Cross to serve the needs of St. Elizabeth Hospital on Sept. 27 from 12:30-6:30 p.m. at the Poland library. For appointments, call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767). This event is for adults.
What will you read next?
Let the Poland library’s fortune tellers (cootie catchers) predict what you will read next throughout regular hours at the Poland library throughout September. Will it be “Monster,” “Speak” or some other great read? Look into your future reading at Poland. This event is for tweens and teens in grades 5-12.
Handy fixers welcome
Do you use repair and shop manuals to fix things yourself? A lot of these are digital now. Come to the Poland library on Sept. 21 at 7 p.m. and learn how to use Mitchell’s Pro Demand and EBSCO’s Small Engine Repair Reference Center databases. This event is for adults.
Junior Friends of the Library to meet
Learn how you can become a Junior Friend of the Library on Sept. 26 at 4:30 p.m. at the Poland library. There will be a brief meeting with snacks for any teens who are interested. Junior Friends are teen students interested in fundraising and volunteering for the Friends of PLYMC and for the Library. To join, contact the Development Office at 330-740-6086.
Yoga class
Friends of PLYMC is sponsoring a Yoga class every Wednesday from 5-6 p.m. at the Poland library in the meeting room. Pay as you attend at the cost of $10 a session. This event is for adults.
Bookstore fundraiser
The Friends of PLYMC Bookstore in the Poland library will host author Nancy Christie for a book-signing on Sept. 10. Buy a Book and Earn a Buck for the Friends Bookstore: one book for you - one buck for the Friends Bookstore. Buy a copy of either (or both) of the author’s books, “Traveling Left of Center and Other Stories” and “The Gifts of Change,” during the Sept. 11 event from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and the author will donate $1 per book to the Friends Bookstore. Christie has also authored short stories which have appeared in literary magazines. She founded “Celebrate Short Fiction” Day and hosts the monthly Monday Night Writers group in the Canfield library. For more information, visit her website at
Holiday closing
All libraries in the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County system will be closed on Sept. 4 and Sept. 5. Happy Labor Day.
Sons of the American Revolution to meet
The Mahoning Valley Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution will be hosting its fourth and final organizational meeting on Aug. 24 at the Canfield library between 6:30-8 p.m. They will be making plans to recruit at the Canfield Fair at a booth in the Veterans section. They intend to continue to add new members to the Charter group until Dec. 1. They will be recruiting at the fair and taking “selfies” with the children and adults when Color Guard members are on site. They hope to encourage all to appreciate the freedoms Americans enjoy as a result of this country’s War of Independence and to ”Honor their Patriot” by joining the Mahoning Valley Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution serving Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana Counties.
Horticultural Show to be Aug. 20 and 21
The 52nd annual Horticultural Show, sponsored by The Men’s Garden Club of Youngstown, will take place at Fellows Riverside Gardens in the Mill Creek MetroParks on Aug. 20 and 21. The event is open free to all exhibitors ad the public is welcome. For more information, Call Rodney Toth at 330-759-1993.
Friendly Squares to host dancing introduction
If you are looking for something to exercise your body and mind, the Friendly Squares of Niles are having an introduction to Modern Square Dancing on Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. Join them at the Niles Senior Center, located at 14 E. State St. in Niles, on that night. For more information, call 330-506-3370.
GA to meet
Gamblers Anonymous, a 12-Step fellowship of compulsive gamblers who want to recover from their gambling addictions, will meet twice this week in the Youngstown-Warren area. A GA meeting takes place every Friday at Westminster Church, located at 119 Stadium Drive in Boardman, and another takes place every Sunday at Christ Church Presbyterian, located at 3425 Hopkins Road in Youngstown (Cornersburg). Both meetings begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. and last about 1-1/2 hours. Those who believe gambling has affected any part of their lives are urged to attend.
Bonding with babies and books
This event is for caregivers and their little ones who are 6-23 months. There will be 20 minutes of language enrichment including rhymes, songs and stories, followed by time to play and socialize. Children must be accompanied by an adult. This event will take place every Wednesday in August at 10 a.m. at the Poland library.
Lego my library
Meet and enjoy creating Lego designs at the Poland library on Aug. 23 at 6 p.m. Legos will be provided. This event is for children, age 6 and up.
Trim a tree
Decorate an ornament for the all-seasons tree at the Poland library during library hours in August. This is for children of all ages.
DIY marshmallows
Learn to make marshmallows at home with just a few easy steps at the Poland library on Aug. 22 at 6 p.m. The process will be demonstrated, and samples will be available for tasting. (A food waiver must be signed.) This event will be for teens and adults.
Book a librarian
Would you like a personal introduction to resources available at the library? Need more time with a librarian than you can get over the phone or if you just walk in? Book-a-Librarian sessions are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual. A library staff member will give undivided attention to customers who want in-depth help with a wide variety of library services, such as learning to use a computer, email, the Internet, downloading e-books and audiobooks, researching a topic, discovering new books and authors to read and enjoy, business, non-profit or genealogy help. To schedule an appointment, visit any library, call 330-744-8636 or go online at
Yoga class
Friends of PLYMC is sponsoring a Yoga Class every Wednesday in the Poland library meeting room from 5-6 p.m. Pay as you attend, The fee is $10 per session. This class is for adults.
Local YMCA to feature Ervin Newman paintings
The Davis Family YMCA is hosting “Hooray for HOLLYWOOD,” an art show featuring 28 paintings by the late Ervin Newman of Poland. All of the works, created in the 1940s, feature movie stars of that era. They were painted while Newman was a student at Struthers High School or shortly thereafter. “Hooray for HOLLYWOOD” runs from July 27 through Aug. 31 at 45 McClurg Road in Boardman. The official opening is on July 27 from 3-5 p.m. in the Gallery at the Y. The reception, which is free and open to the public, will include cake and punch, plus music by local favorites, Steve Fazzini and Mike Roncone. In the spirit of the theme, red carpet and/or 1940s era attire is encouraged. Cecilia Newman, who donated the works after reading about the Y’s arts programs, will be the guest of honor. Because the paintings were created before she met her husband, Cecilia doesn’t have much information regarding their origins. Anyone who remembers Ervin is asked to contact Suzanne Gray at the Boardman YMCA 330-480-5656 or
Chaney Class of 1956 to have reunion
The Chaney High School Class of 1956 will host its 60th reunion on Sept. 24 from 5:30-10:30 p.m. at A La Carte Catering in Canfield (429 Lisbon St.). The cost to attend is $30 per person, and spouses and friends are welcome. Event organizers ask that the classmates who are planning to attend call and provide current addresses. For questions, or to provide current addresses, call Larry Probert at 330-799-1204 or Joan Fergus at 330-533-5972.
East Class of 1966 to have reunion
Youngstown East High School Class of 1966 will be having a 50th reunion on Sept. 2 from 6-10 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 343 Via Mount Carmel Ave. in Youngstown. The event will include a dinner buffet, as well as music provided by a D.J. Tickets will be $40 per person. If you are planning to attend, call Marie Macchio Mamanis at 330-533-1633 or Janine Ross Johnson at 330-716-1543.
First Night Youngstown announces annual button design competition
First Night Youngstown is calling for local and regional artists to participate in the annual design competition of its New Year’s Eve events admission button. The winning artist will be promoted at all press events. The artist will also be a celebrity guest in the Downtown Christmas holiday parade and tree-lighting event. The button series is traditionally intended to celebrate downtown Youngstown’s unique historic buildings and architecture. Buttons may be designed using any medium and then digitally saved as a .jpeg. Artists should depict Youngstown in a manner that highlights New Year’s Eve, no champagne glasses or images of drinking alcohol; First Night events are family-friendly. The design must include the phrase “First Night Youngstown 2017.” Interested artists should call 330-744-9966 or email Submission deadline is Aug. 31. Each year, admission buttons provide entry to all First Night events on New Year’s Eve in downtown Youngstown, sold at $5 and $10 each. Proceeds from the sale help compensate performers.
America’s Schoolmaster exhibit
The Early Days of William Holmes McGuffey will be on display in the Melnick Museum at Fellows Riverside Gardens from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Learn more about the early days of McGuffey and his boyhood homestead, located in Coitsville and now known as the McGuffey Wildlife Preserve. The exhibit will be open though January 2017.
East High class of 1966 reunion
The East High class of 1966 has begun making plans for their 50th reunion. They are looking for up-to-date addresses from all classmates who would like to attend. The event is planned for Sept. 2 from 6-10 p.m. at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Hall on the East Side. There will be a buffet dinner and music provided by a DJ. The cost to attend is $40 per person. For details and information or to provide a current address, call Janine Johnson (Ross) at 330-716-1543 or Marie Mamonis (Macchio) at 330-533-1633.