Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.The children took turns stacking cookies to see who could make the highest cookie stack at the Poland library Chocolate Olympics on Aug. 4.

Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Children went digging for gummy worms in chocolate pudding as the final event at the Chocolate Olympics at the Poland library on Aug. 4.

Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Children divided up into teams to see which team could organize the most M&M candies the fastest during the Chocolate Olympics on Aug. 4 at the Poland library.

Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Children stacked cookies at the Poland library Chocolate Olympics event on Aug. 4 to see how high the cookies could be stacked.

Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Jacob played a game of hockey with a Ding-Dong at the Poland library Chocolate Olympics event on Aug. 4.
The Poland library hosted their own, sweet version of the Olympics on Aug. 4 by incorporating chocolate treats into the games.
Poland children’s librarians, Vikki Peck and Annette Ahrens, put together a variety of games and activities using different chocolaty treats, like cookies, pudding, M&M’s and more. After explaining what the different kinds of games were, the children were given a list on paper with the games so they could cross off the game when they finished.
Some of the children worked together to finish an activity, like identifying different candy bars by looking at the inside, while other games were a competition for the children to play against each other.
There was a cookie stacking game to see how high the children could stack cookies, a contest to see who could sort out the most M&M’s in a minute and the final game everyone participated in at the end was digging for worms.
The children could only use their mouths to dig in a container of pudding and pull out the two gummy worms that were buried in the pudding.
When each game was completed, the children could take two Hershey’s Kisses as a reward for finishing the activity.
As the chocolate Olympics came to an end, the children received medals with chocolate peppermint candies attached to the ribbon as if the candy was the medal.