Frackfree Mahoning Valley rally is set for 1 p.m. Thursday in downtown Youngstown
YOUNGSTOWN — Frackfree Mahoning Valley will have a rally Thursday as its participates in a national day of action titled “Hands Across Our Land.”
“Hands Across Our Land” is sponsored by the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League and took place for the first time Aug. 18, 2015.
FMV’s rally is from 1 to 1:30 p.m. in the public area at the Spring Common (peanut) bridge near the entrance of the B&O Station Banquet Hall, 530 Mahoning Ave.
The FMV news release said the rally is to help raise awareness of the dangers and risks of fracking waste, injection wells, and induced earthquakes.
For information about FMV, go to its website