TRUMP IN YOUNGSTOWN | GOP nominee wraps up YSU speech

YOUNGSTOWN — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump wrapped up a 49-minute speech on foreign policy saying: “As your president, I will be your greatest champion.”

Trump said he would “reject bigotry and oppression” as president though during the speech he mentioned tougher immigration laws that would specifically target those coming from Syria and other nations he said are hostile to the United States.

While he spoke softly for much of his speech, the crowd at Youngstown State University at times erupted with applause and chants of “Trump, Trump, Trump,” and “USA, USA, USA.”

Trump told those gathered that America needs to restore common sense to its immigration policy.

The Sept. 11 hijackers essentially had “in big bold letters 'fraud' and nobody saw it,” Trump said.

The Russians warned the United States about the Boston bombing and the Obama administration chose to ignore it.

Regarding terrorism, Trump said, “Political correctness has replaced common sense in our society.”

Trump said he'd welcome any nation that wants to destroy ISIS to join the United States.

“We can't always choose our friends, but we should never fail to recognize our enemies,” Trump said.

Trump said he previously called NATO “obsolete,” but since his statements, the organization is focusing on terrorist threats.

He also said we “will find common ground with Russia in our fight with ISIS.”

Trump said his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, “lacks the mental and physical” ability to take on terrorism. Trump also said Clinton also “lacks the judgment, as Bernie Sanders said, the ability and moral character” to be president.

During today's foreign policy speech, Trump said, “We will defeat radical Islam as we have” other terrorist organizations in the past."

He criticized President Obama saying, “Anyone who can't name our enemy is not fit to lead our country.”

He said ISIS “is on the loose. It's started in the east and has spread to the west.”

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, the GOP vice presidential nominee, introduced Trump.

Pence says Trump's vision will “make America great again.”

He said he's gotten to know Trump in recent weeks and is impressed with him.

Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who was the opening speaker at the event.

Giuliani said “Donald Trump is our only hope for change” to fight “radical Islamic terrorism.”

He also called Hillary Clinton the worst secretary of state in history.

It's an invitation-only event with local Republican leaders handing out tickets.