TRUMP IN YOUNGSTOWN | Boccieri, union chiefs say GOP nominee unfit to serve

BOARDMAN — State Rep. John Boccieri and the presidents of the two unions at the Lordstown General Motors complex say Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is unfit to serve in the nation’s highest elected office.

Trump is to deliver a foreign policy speech at 2 p.m. today at Youngstown State University that will outline his plan to fight radical Islamic terrorism.

The three made comments today at the Boardman office of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who they support.

Boccieri of Poland, D-58th, a 23-year Air Force Reserves pilot, said: “Donald Trump scares the hell out of me,” and that he is “temperamentally unfit to be president of the United States.”

Boccieri said Trump has attacked a Gold Star family, encourages Russian hackers to interfere with this election, and that he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

If Trump is elected president, his “words have real world consequences,” and the statements would be “a very dangerous prosepct for our country’s safety.”

Glenn Johnson, president of the United Auto Workers Local 1112, said Trump can’t be trusted to look out for American workers when he has products for his various businesses made overseas.

Johnson said Clinton has said “for 25 years she says she’d be willing to revisit NAFTA. Anyone willing to revisit it is OK in my book.”

The North American Free Trade Agreement took effect Jan. 1, 1994, and is a trade deal between the United States, Mexico and Canada that many union officials and Democrats say has adversely impacted this country’s economy. Clinton’s husband, Bill, was the president and signed the deal into law.

When it was pointed out that Trump supports the repeal of NAFTA while he said Clinton was “willing to revisit” it, Johnson said he couldn’t support Trump because “there’s a whole lot of other reasons.”

Also speaking today was Robert Morales, president of the UAW Local 1714, who said, “It’s telling that Donald Trump would come to the manufacturing hub of the Mahoning Valley and neglect to address the economy.”