4-H Labo group gathers for farewell picnic

SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR | The Labo International Exchange Foundation, a Japanese youth organization, has been exchanging students with 4-H families for more than 50 years. Japanese children change places with local students, ages 10-15, for a one-month stay. They worked with animals, traveled to sporting events, visited Lake Erie and the ocean, worked in gardens, experienced farm life and tried many new foods. The youth also expanded their language skills. The 4-H Labo group gathered Aug. 10 for a farewell picnic at Austintown Township Park. The guests arrived in Ohio on July 23 and return to Japan on Friday. Sitting, from left, are Anri Nakatani with Kaylee Burcaw, her host from North Benton; and kneeling are Mai Miura with Kiah Nelson of Copley, Ohio; Analyse Sutton of Farmdale with Arisu Takubo; Garret Roach of Bristolville with Yuto Ishii; Seth Zorica of Atwater, Ohio, with Hayato Takahashi; and Maggie Graber of Louisville, Ohio, with Erika Takata. Soko Kitai was their chaperone. The exchange is open to families who qualify and the program is explained at www.ohio4h.org/youth/international.