Vision of study: Make NEO a leader in additive manufacturing

Staff report


A Northeast Ohio Additive Manufacturing Cluster Study comes with several visions for the region.

By 2023, the region is expected to be recognized as a leader in additive manufacturing, a $7 billion industry, in a variety of ways including design and engineering for additive manufacturing, use of additive manufacturing for productivity enhancements and additive manufacturing investment and growth, the study says.

During a rollout meeting Tuesday, America Makes, the Youngstown Business Incubator, Team NEO and the Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network, MAGNET, presented their study on the feasibility for having an additive-manufacturing cluster here in Northeast Ohio.

The purpose of the study, which is funded by the Fund for Our Economic Future, is to build upon the resource of America Makes – the first additive-manufacturing hub in the U.S. – and provide a vision to integrate the additive manufacturing supply chain in the area.

There were 165 companies in the region identified to participate in study with 50 of those actually participating. From there, the study found the technology gaps that exist and what the opportunities are for additive manufacturing use here.

The next study rollout meeting will take place from 9 to 10 a.m. Tuesday at MAGNET, 1768 E. 25th St. Cleveland.

Manufacturers, educational institutions, government officials and anyone else interested in additive manufacturing are asked to take a survey at

Those who complete the survey will receive the full report.