The Neurofibromatosis Network walk is June 11

Staff report


The Neurofibromatosis Network will host a Great Steps4NF Walk at 9 a.m. June 11 in Boardman Park, 375 Boardman-Poland Road.

The walk will raise awareness and research funds for the genetic, progressive nervous-system disorder that causes tumors to grow on the ends of nerves anywhere in the body.

The NF Network has been working since 1988 to end the disease.

Cost is $25 for adults, $12 for children age 4 to 10, and $6 for children age 3 and younger. Individuals who raise $100 will earn free registration.

Register by May 26 to guarantee a free event T-shirt. Participants can walk as an individual or join a team.

Business contributions such as event supplies, raffle items or sponsorships are being sought. Contact Yvonne Glass by calling 630-510-1115 or emailing

For information or to register, visit