Commercial Intertech Retirees will meet at noon Tuesday at St. Mark’s Fellowship Hall on Logan Way. Lou Pizzuto will preside. Reports will be given by Gloria Wielbruda and Roberta Shick. Luncheon hostesses are Shick and Connie DiPiero. There will be a ticket auction. All Commercial Intertech and Parker Hannifin retirees are welcome. Report illnesses to DiPiero at 330-788-2340.
Public Employees Retirees Inc., Mahoning County No. 18, will meet at noon Oct. 6 at the Georgetown, 5445 South Ave., Boardman. Flu shots will be available before the meeting provided by Debbie Moss and nurses from Mahoning County Board of Health; take insurance cards. New changes to health insurance will be discussed and there will be a question and answer time. A raffle will include two Grab and Go certificates from the Georgetown. The dinner comprises chicken marsala, mashed potatoes, California vegetables, salad, rolls and butter, coffee or tea and pumpkin pie. The cost is $12. Reservations or cancellations must be made by Sept. 28 to Arlene DeChellis, 330-726-8019; Phyllis Miglarese, 330-755-5640; Helen Verdream, 330-629-8227; or Mary Grace Welsh, 330-743-8425.
Sunshine Seniors will no longer meet at the Elmton in Struthers. Call Betty Jane for details for Tuesday’s meeting at 330-549-9904.
Upcoming activities for senior citizens are published Sunday. Please submit the information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.