Family Service receives grants


The Thomases Family Endowment Distribution Committee of the Youngstown Area Jewish Federation awarded a $5,000 grant to Protestant Family Service for its Pathways to Stability program.

The grant will be used for utilities to prevent disconnection or to restore service.

Funds are available now, and the agency will follow guidelines in disbursing the grant, which includes the recipient listening to conservation information and attending a class on budgeting.

Call a caseworker at 330-746-4600.

Protestant Family Services also received a $13,000 grant from the Episcopal Dioceses for its Aid for the Elderly in Crisis program. The funds will be distributed before Dec. 15 and will be determined by the emergency need. Clients must provide proofs per caseworkers’ request and attend an educational session. Those who received assistance in the past year are not eligible. Office hours are 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Call the above number to make an appointment.