1418 Auxiliary Seniors will meet at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Bedford Trails Golf Course Restaurant on Bedford Road in Coitsville. Members may order from the menu. John Texter will preside. Birthdays and anniversaries will be acknowledged, and a 50-50 raffle and bingo will be played. Illnesses or deaths should be reported to Pat Bozichovich at 330-755-7552. For information call Texter at 330-755-6936.

Austintown AARP 4339 will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Austintown Senior Center. Blood Pressure screenings will be available from 12:30 to 1 p.m. A potluck meal with meat, dessert, beverages, plates and silverware will be provided; take a side dish. The program will be “Summer Memories.” Take a summer memento and story to share with the group. The Notables Chorus has resumed rehearsals all other Tuesdays of the month at 1 p.m. at the center. Singers are welcome. The chorus will perform at the Vista Care Center in Boardman and Humility House in Austintown this month. Dues for 2016 will be collected. Volunteers are needed to serve at the Rescue Mission on Sept. 14; call 330-792-7459 to sign up. Report illnesses and deaths to 330-799-1219.

Saxon Retirees will meet at noon Sept. 17 in the lower lounge at the Youngstown Saxon Club, 710 S. Meridian Road. The menu includes meatloaf, mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables. Reservations are required; call Joan Giba at 330-782-5806 or Teri Laret at 330-799-2789.

St. Anthony Senior Club will meet Tuesday at a new location, the St. Anthony Rectory. Park behind the rectory and enter through the back door. Lunch will be served at noon. The luncheon committee are Livia and Ed DelBoccio, Phyllis Constantine and Anna Mae Canizaro.

Trumbull County Public Employee Retirees Inc., Chapter 56, will meet at 11:15 a.m. Sept. 16 at DiLucia’s Restaurant, 2610 Elm Road NE, Warren. Speaker will be Shane Olson from Humana. Reservations must be made by Sept. 13 by calling 330-372-2603, 330-469-6753 or 330-898-3625.

UFCW Local 880 Retirees Club will gather at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Davidson’s Restaurant for a meeting. Membership is open to all UFCW Local 880 retirees. New retirees who want to attend or want information should call Karen Zappia at 330-502-2103.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens are published Sunday. Please submit the information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.